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Get Connected, Get Informed...Sign up and Sign in Today

Continental Connect (ParentVue/StudentVue), is the District’s secure Web-based tool, which will provide Continental Elementary School District parents and students the ability to view student information such as class assignments, grades, report cards/progress reports, course history, attendance, and more from the convenience of any computer or mobile device, 24-hours a day.  ParentVue’s online enrollment also provides parents the opportunity to update their child's annual back to school registration.

Activation Steps: 

  1. Access the Continental ESD Parent/Student Vue Portal - You will be directed to the ParentVue/StudentVue page where you will "Login" or "Activate My Account".
  1. Only activate an account if you are brand new to the district or have not previously activated your account: Enter your first and last name, along with your secure User Activation Key (contact your child's school to obtain your User Activation Key - one key for all children enrolled in District). 
  1. Enter a user name and password, along with a valid email address. A valid email address is required to activate your Continental Connect account. You can now view information for all of your students at the same time. 

Continental Elementary School District encourages our parents to participate in Continental Connect to enhance their involvement in their child's education.  

Apps Available for IOS™ and Android™

Students and parents can now access Continental Connect quickly and easily by downloading the ParentVue or StudentVue applications from either the App Store or the Google Play Store.

IOS ParentVue 

IOS StudentVue

Android ParentVue

Android StudentVue

  1. Download the “ParentVue” or “StudentVue” Edupoint Education Systems application at the Google Plat Store or AppleApp Store for free.*
  1. After Downloading, start the Parent Vue or Student Vue app.  You will be prompted to connect to the school district’s server. If you are in the school district’s area you will see it listed, if not enter Zip Code 85614 and click either “District Events” or “Search” and select Continental Elementary School District #39. You will be prompted to set this as your school, select “Ok”. Now you may enter your User Name and Password (same user name and password as Continental Connect ParentVue or Student Vue).

Please Note:

ParentVue and StudentVue Apps are not developed or supported by Continental Elementary School District.

Questions or concerns please contact the district receptionist at (520) 625.4581 ext. 7301. Our staff utilizes many aspects of Synergy on a daily basis. For information regarding your child's progress, please log in to Continental Synergy using the login and password 


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Current Condition: clear sky

Temperature: 52.36ËšF

Feels Like: 48.85ËšF

Wind Speeds: 4.09mph

Weather humidity: 33%

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Contact Information

Continental Elementary School District #39
1991 E Whitehouse Canyon Rd
Green Valley, Arizona 85614
Phone: 520-625-4581
Fax: 520-648-2569